We are all excited to start another year at SceneKunst and one in which we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

When we started our first school in March 2008 we never imagined just how much SceneKunst would become part of our lives. And how much joy and inspiration it would bring to us.

Photos from 2008:

It has been amazing to see so many students develop and evolve and a privilege to have been/be part of their (and their families) lives for so long. We have students who’ve just received their 9yr medals 🙂

Over the years we’ve learnt so much and like to think both our teaching and the level of our shows have continued to improve and develop. Working together with students, teachers, parents, musicians, technician’s, colleagues and extended family members to ensure we continue to create extraordinary experiences for everyone involved.

It’s a balance because we are all professionals and strive to create great work. And many of our students have grown into hugely talented performers, who can do everything on a stage. Not only are they talented but also look out for each other, care about each other and understand it’s about working together to achieve our potential and common success.

SceneKunst is for everyone and each and every student is equally important to us. So while our creative achievements are important, making sure we continue to follow our philosophy is more important. We understand, every experience children and young people have will create a little imprint on their thoughts about themselves, life in general and their futures. This is why we are inspired to give all of our student’s positive experiences that improve their inner confidence and enrich their lives. It’s about being part of something greater than ourselves, and achieving our potential through a common goal. Whilst having fun and enjoying the journey.

So as we grow it’s important we continue to develop our philosophy and make sure all our leaders, teachers and colleagues understand why we do what we do. We have therefore updated our Mission, Vision and Values.

Our mission is to inspire children through the performing arts: to give them experiences that enrich their lives, to improve their confidence and self-awareness, to help them to achieve their full potential, and to show them their dreams can come true.


Our Vision is to change lives through theatre.


Every student is equally important to us.

To create a safe, open and friendly environment, where students and teachers are able to be themselves. 

   For our shows to be the best they can be and for them to be a positive experience for everyone involved.

To continually assess our teaching with a goal to making it the best it can be.

To create experiences that inspire.

To always be open to change and new ideas.

To remember that life is a joy and full of possibilities.



Vores Mission hos SceneKunst er at inspirere børn og unge, at give dem oplevelser der beriger deres liv og give dem større selvbevidsthed, selvværd og selvtillid. Vi ønsker at hjælpe dem at til opnå deres fulde potentiale, og viser dem at alt det de drømmer om er muligt.


                         Vores vision er at forandre verden igennem teater.



Hver enkelt elev er lige vigtig for os

Vi vil have et trygt, åbent og godt miljø, hvor elever og lærere kan være dem selv.

Vores shows skal være de bedste de kan blive, og en positiv oplevelse for alle involverede.

Vi vil evaluere vores undervisning og vores management kontinuerligt for at forbedre os.

Vi vil lave og have oplevelser som inspirerer

Vi vil altid være åbne for forandring og nye ideer

Vi vil huske at livet er vidunderligt og alt er muligt.


We will refer to our Mission and Vision and use it to guide us as we continue to move forward.


To celebrate our jubilee we have written a new show Alice in SceneKunst Land – A celebration of much of the work we have performed these past years. All schools will perform the same show and it’s going to be a lot of fun both putting it together and performing later in the year 🙂


We are proud of what we’ve achieved together at SceneKunst and would like to thank everyone who’s been a part of our journey.


We Love what we do and look forward to the next several decades together 🙂


With theatrical love ♥

Russell Collins

Co – Founder
