It’s so important for boys to explore their creativity and to understand the benefits it can have on their development. The importance of creativity is underestimated in general but for boys, maybe because of old fashioned stereotypes, it can be even more difficult. Especially in a playground environment, when they reach a certain age.

And when boys close down their creativity, it can affect their sense of self and have longer-term consequences. It’s therefore really important to encourage them in their creative pursuits.

Having gone to school in inner-city London myself. I can remember clearly when I started to close down my creativity. I was around 13 and having just gained an A1 in drama, a love of cooking classes and an interest in writing. I put the brakes on. The law of the playground told me I wouldn’t survive if I went down that road. So, instead, I focused on being funny, good at football and popular with my pals and the girls.

Thankfully, some years later I found my way to drama school and began to understand how repressing my creativity had affected my life. It took some time to find my way back but luckily I did, some never do.

The process of creating and understanding characters can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves. Reflecting on a character’s past, present and future can open a door to self-reflection, curiosity and increased awareness.

By understanding characters, we can better understand ourselves.

Maybe this is more important than ever in the world of social media and a never-ending search for likes and approval.

Of course, not everyone will end up with a life in the theatre but creativity can help us men access our sensitivity. It prevents us from feeling we need to be something we’re not and to create some kind of false, toxic masculinity. We can be our true selves, and ultimately happier, better fathers and partners.

After all, we’re all complexed, different individuals. And all the various elements that make us whole are equally important. We can be great at football, maths, acting and cooking if that’s what we choose. 

In school, for example, I believe academic work, sports, creative subjects, and social understanding are all equally important. But without exploring our creativity we are closing down a world of joy and possibilities. Part of ourselves we all deserve to explore.

Schools can often lose sight of the importance creativity has in the balanced development of children. And creative subjects are often the first to be cut from the curriculum.

So please encourage your boys (and girls) to be themselves and if they so choose, to explore their creativity. It will benefit them hugely in the long run.


Thankfully we are getting more and more boys joining us at SceneKunst.

It’s a pleasure to explore the world of theatre with them and to experience firsthand the joy and confidence they get from developing their creativity.

With lots of love and creativity.

Russell Collins