Today we got woken up by the bell in the early morning hours at 8 AM, and we are still tired. We started the day of with yoga with the lovely Stephanie, we did a bunch of breathing exercises as well as some stretches. We then went to breakfast where we were greeted by the aroma of eggs, toast and juice. We ate and left no crumbs. Green group then went to the dance room to work on some dances in their show, the blue group went to the drama tent where they got the rest of their roles and worked on some scenes, where red group went to the singing room to work on some of their songs. We all slayed for two hours straight before we went to eat some delicious lunch. We then continued slaying the day away, green group slaying in the drama tent, the blue group slaying in the singing room and red slaying in the dancing room. We then had about a 30minute break where the candy store was open, some of us got the candy we deserved others went to take a nap after working our asses off. After the break we went to use our very last bit of energy to absolutely eat at the last classes, green group ate up those vocals in the singing room, where blue group ate those dance moves up in the dance room, and red ate up all the drama they were serving up in the drama tent. When we were done all of the groups went their separate ways to enjoy their afternoon, until we were called to dinner by everyone favourite sound the BELL, we were okay however cause we absolutely ate up that delicious meal. After dinner we had a break were we hung out before we went outside to practice the summer camp dance. After that we went to the drama tent and ate up the scenes. We picked pieces of paper from a hat that told us what scene we should do. When we were done in the drama tent, some of us did Nikolajs makeup. He served as a pretty princess and ate up all the attention. We had a beautiful base with snatched contour. A beautiful eyeshadow look to make him look extra pretty when it was all done.