

Oliver Twist has played a big part in my childhood, having seen the play and film many times and remembering vividly the joy of performing Oliver in a school production. It is therefore a huge honor for me to have the opportunity to direct the play and one I’m truly grateful for.

Great theatre can move and inspire.

So what is great theatre?

I believe when we come to the theatre we want to see a story, real characters and relationships. To lose ourselves in the world created by the characters and to see relationships develop and a story unfold. Of course Oliver is a musical so we add to that amazing singing and great dance but not at the expense of the story. The songs and dances should be a continuation of the story. And Oliver Twist is a really great story and one we are excited to tell.

It has been a huge challenge to create Oliver. From gaining the rights from London to running auditions and starting the rehearsal process. To arriving where we are now a week away from the Big Premiere.

We are blessed to have such a hugely talented group of actors and creative staff and as a team we have inspired each other in bringing the material to life. The level of our young actors is quite amazing and seeing them continue to improve and evolve is a great joy for us all. They will surprise many I’m sure with their level of performance.


It is also great that so many of our students from Scene Kunst Skoler will be performing in Oliver. Many of them we have known for several years and have seen them over time grow into talented young performers. Which brings us great pleasure.


Working with professional actors has helped enormously as well. Firstly by bringing their huge talents to the leading roles, which has enabled us to build and frame the story. And generally providing inspiration and a level of professionalism, that others have used to keep improving and raise their own level of performance.


Directing a musical is very much a collaborative affair and our success is based on all of us pulling in the same direction. And I have to say the dedication shown by everyone involved has been truly remarkable. We have become one big Oliver family working together as a team to achieve our full potential and create a memorable show.


We now look forward to Sunday when we will introduce our professional 9-piece band to the cast and add the next layer to our production. I’m sure it will both be fun and interesting. It has been said that the 1st time the actors hear the trumpet go off they will get a bit of a shock. 🙂

Getting the band and the actors used to each other is another important part of the process.



We are very proud of our production and hope you will join us.

Best theatrical wishes from

The Oliver family


When: Efteårsferien 2016

Dates: 15th – 23rd October

Venue: Musikteatret Albertslund,

Time: Everyday at 15:00.

Book tickets at: